Psychiatria Danubina

About journal

Psychiatria Danubina is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal which publishes research in the field of psychiatry, psychological medicine, and their interconnected scientific disciplines.

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Psychiatria Danubina publishes 4 regular issues each year and a variable number of supplement issues which may contain conference abstract or special topics.

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Psychiatria Danubina publishes all articles submitted for a regular issue free of charge. Please follow our submission guidelines to increase the probability of getting your article accepted for publishing.

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Special issue

Do you think there is an emerging area of research that could be published as a special issue of Psychiatria Danubina? Send your proposal to:

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Editor in Chief:

Prof. Emeritus Miro Jakovljević


University of Zagreb School of Medicine

Zagreb, Croatia

Journal Metrics
2023H-index (Scopus)
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)
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This journal is indexed by
  • APA PsycInfo
  • Excerpta Medica(EMBASE)
  • MEDLINE/PubMed
  • Scopus
print ISSN 0353-5053
online ISSN 1849-0867

Announcement: Change in Citation Style for Psychiatria Danubina

Dear authors,

We would like to inform you that Psychiatria Danubina has changed its citation style to APA parenthetical.

From now on, we kindly ask all authors to prepare and submit their manuscripts using this new citation style. Please ensure that all in-text citations and references adhere to APA parenthetical guidelines.

Detailed instructions on the new citation style can be found on our website.

We appreciate your cooperation and thank you in advance for your attention to this update.

Best regards,
Psychiatria Danubina Editorial Team